Thursday, June 26, 2014

Shamefacedness (A Biblical View of Modesty)

(A Biblical View of Modesty)

1st Timothy ch. 2:9-10

"Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly. Not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, but rather by means of good works, as befits women making a claim to godliness."

It may be a good idea here, to first go over what Paul is not saying in these two verses.

These two verses speak to a woman's attitude, and the priorities she gives to the way she dresses for church. In other words, what is her motivation for what she is wearing? What does she call attention to with things like her clothes, make-up and hair? This is not to say that women should not wear gold or pearls, or braid their hair.

Modesty: The quality of not being too proud or confident about yourself or your abilities.
The quality of behaving and especially dressing in ways that do not attract sexual attention.
Freedom from conceit or vanity.
Propriety in dress, speech or conduct.


1. According to the text, what should our motives as women be when we go to church?

2. What do you think are some of the opposites of modesty?

3. Why do you think Paul takes time to give Timothy counsel on how women should dress?

4. In this passage Timothy also instructs men about how they should pray (lifting up holy hands). Why do you think
these guidelines about women's dress, and men's prayers are written together?

5. Would you say immodesty is limited only to clothing? What are some other areas where immodestly can be

6. In what ways can we as women show an attitude of modesty towards our brothers in Christ?

7. Give an example of something you feel is immodest.

8. Are there areas of my daily walk where I struggle with immodesty?

9. What do you think are some general ways we might encourage one another towards modesty?

10. What does Timothy mean when he mentions "dressing discreetly"?

11. Why do you think modesty is particularly important when we come together for worship?

12. Why is it important to be examples of modesty for children and teenagers?

-- CES (C)Copyright 2014.

*All studies on this blog are arranged by me personally based on prayer & study of the scriptures. All scripture references are taken from the NAS translation (though some are paraphrased). All definitions are taken from
*Note: For further study, check out a CD series from the Revive Our Hearts ministry called "The Attractive Chritian Woman".