Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Rejoice in the Lord Always (Philippians 4:4-8)

All studies on this blog are arranged by me personally based on my own study of scripture. It is my prayer that these can be a tool which might help you get to Jesus better.


*All scripture references are from the NAS translation (though some are paraphrased).
*Definitions are from Webster's and dictionary.com

Philippians chapter 4 verses 4 through 8 gives us a sort of summary, or list of things which the believer is to set their mind on or to think about, concerning God. This study will take each quality, or characteristic on the list and try to examine it more closely.


Verse 4: "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice."

Rejoice: To give joy to. To feel joy or great delight.
(To have or possess) these things.

1. A.) Based on the above definition, what are some specific things we can do to make sure we are rejoicing in the Lord in our circumstances?

B.) How can we be prepared to rejoice anyway, when it is not easy?

Verse 5: "Let your forbearing spirit be known to all men. God is near."

Forbearing: to choose not to do, or to avid doing something you could do. To avoid doing or saying something.
Forbearing can also mean to be disinclined to be severe or rigorous.

2. A.) Based on the above definition, what are some things we can do in order to have a forbearing spirit with others?

B.) Why is this important to remember?
C.) when is it difficult to have forbearing spirit?

3. If I am not severe or rigorous, what am I?
(What would some opposites be?)

Verse 6: "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, through prayer and supplication, let your requests be made known to God."

4. What can we do when we ARE anxious?

Supplication: humility. To petition with humility.

5. What does supplication mean as it relates to prayer?

Verse 7: "And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

6. Why does the end of this verse say: "In Christ Jesus"?
(How specifically does he fill us with that peace?)

7. What does it mean to have this peace guard our hearts & our minds?

8. What are some things we can do specifically to draw near to God so that we can have that peace?

Verse 8: "Finally brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is pure, whatever is right, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute; if there is anything excellent or praiseworthy, let your mind dwell on these things."

1. Is it true?
(How can we respond when something is not true, or we are not sure whether it's true?)

Honorable: Honesty, fairness or integrity in one's beliefs or actions.

2. Is it honorable?
(What does it mean when something is honorable?)
(How might we respond in an honorable way, if something is NOT honorable?)

3. What does the word pure mean to you?

4. How might we help others focus on what is pure?

5. What are examples of things that God considers pure?

6. Is it right?

Note: try to think of right as being either factually correct, or fair, (upright) rather than just a matter of personal opinion.

(As Christians, why is it important to make sure that we are fair with ourselves and others?)
(what can we do in conversation, to make sure our speech is fair, and upright?)

7. Whatever is lovely. What are some things that are lovely or beautiful to you?

8. What is of good repute (or report), praiseworthy, and excellent?
(Do we draw nearer to the Lord when we share these things with others?)

9. What might be something we participate in that would not be considered "of good repute"?

10. Is there anything specific about your life or walk that you struggle with that is not consistent with what is listed above?

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